Use Cases

6 Cities Participating

To demonstrate the potential impacts, the technical partners of this project developed and deployed replicable systems and scalable use cases in the 6 cities participating in the Mobility and Environmental Sensing domains.

Use Case

Kiel Use Case

Facilitate the re-use of the IoT data on Mobility & Environmental data via the NGSI-LD specification and facilitate the reuse through a data portal based on CKAN and the European Data Portal.

Use Case

Arezzo Use Case

As a result of this project, the technical team of phoops (https://phoops.it) will expand the already existing services around parking with further services, e.g. a tripplaner for multimodal mobility or also a calculator to determine CO2 emissions. This development will significantly contribute to empowering the city of Arezzo, and especially its citizens, to “drive” in a more comfortable and environmentally friendly way, and will enable the city to analyse the data in real time and use resources in a better and more efficient way.


Use Case

St. Quentin Use Case

Test (implement), evaluate and deploy a component that supports the NGSI-LD temporal API for historical data access. It is our aim to offer the selected IoT data also via a scalable NGSI-LD historical interface.

Use Case

Cartagena Use Case

Contribute to the quality/usability/scalability of open-source NGS-LD components. Monitoring of such components will also be an important aspect to consider.

Use Case

Heidelberg Use Case

Setup a CKAN Data portal with the knowledge gained from the frontrunner cities (feeds into Innovation Management Activity).

Use Case

Flanders Use Case

Facilitate the discovery of environmental datasets through standards. Run the OSLO (Open Standards for Linked Organizations) path on metadata and map this OSLO metadata standard to NGSI-LD context semantics in DCAT-AP 2.0., this will increase NGSI service discovery. The standardized datasets are registered in the existing Flanders Information.